
Natia Benashvili, born in 1991 in Tbilisi is a Georgian visual artist. She obtained her Master’s degree in Fine Arts from Tbilisi State Academy of Arts in 2017. Natia recently finished her DAAD complementary studies at the Muthesius Kunsthochschule in Kiel, Germany, where she spent one year developing her own project under the supervision of Piotr Nathan. Since completing her studies in Kiel in 2023 Natia lives and works in Berlin.

Scholarships and Residencies
202223 – DAAD study scholarship in the field of free arts. 
2022 – Artist in Residence Program, Watershed, Berlin, DE 
2020 – Fest-i-Nova Ars, festival of contemporary art, Garikula, GE 
2019 – Arteli Ratscha, festival for contemporary art, Ratscha, GE 
2019 – off/line Art in Reconstruction, Artasfoundation Foundation, Zemo Nikozi, GE 
2016 – Collaborative Exhibition Grant, Ministry of Culture Georgia, GE. 
2015 – Fest-i-Nova G15, festival of contemporary art residency, Garikula, GE

Solo exhibitions
2023 – Relic, Home away from home, Larnaca Fort, Larnaca Biennale 2023, Larnaca, ZY
2023 – Do you remember me? Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts, Kiel, DE
2018 – Condition, Gallery VANDA Art, Tbilisi, GE
2015 – Connection, Gallery VANDA Art, Tbilisi, GE

Selected group exhibitions
2024 – Wille oder Wahl, within the framework of the professionalization program Art
Up Now, Projekt Bethanien, Berlin, DE
2024 – About Body and Mind, K19-Studios Berlin, DE
202324 – Homosexual men in Ravensbrück concentration camp, Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück, Fürstenberg, Ehemalige Textilfabrik, DE, Museum ZeiTTor/Cap Arcona Haakengraben, Neustadt in Holstein, DE and Museum Sztutowo, Sztutowo, PO
2021 – On the other side, CCA Tbilisi (Center of Contemporary Art), GE
2020 – Fest-i-Nova Ars Garikula, Festival of Contemporary Art, Garikula, GE
2020 – Love in the Time of Curfew, Tbilisi Online Biennial, Online
2020 – Spatial formations, Gallery MAUDI, Tbilisi Architectural Biennial, Tbilisi, GE
2020 – The SelfQuar Experiment, Creative Armenia, Online, AM
2020 – All this might be a dream, Online Art Platform “Home Alone”, Online, GE
2019 – 9 Chairs, 2 Bells and a Shaolin Bus, Art-Ra Festival of Contemporary Art, Oni Local Lore Museum, Ratscha, GE
2018 – Artisterium as it is, Artisterium 2018, Karvasla Historical Museum, Tbilisi, GE
2018 – Contemporary Art Space Batumi, Life N Style International Print Festival, Batumi, GE
2018 – Ask For It Anywhere, National Gallery Tbilisi, GE
2017 – #10, Artisterium 2017, History Museum, Tbilisi, GE
2017 – Life N Style International Print Festival, Mestia, GE
2017 – Rethink the Future, History Museum, Tbilisi, GE
2017 – Personal Structures, Palazzo Bembo, accompanying exhibition, Venice Biennial 57, Venice, IT
2017 – New Generation, VANDA Art Gallery, Tbilisi, GE
2015 – Trail G15, Fest-I-Nova G15 contemporary art festival, Garikula, GE
2015 – The Room, State Academy of Arts, Tbilisi, GE

Collaborative Projects
2021 – Postcards for Belarus, Kontaktobana, online, GE, BY

2022 & 2023 – Newspaper 365, the annual artist magazine, Tbilisi, GE

Other projects
2021 – Co-founder and member of the independent artists’ association Artwork in Tbilisi, GE
2020 – Co-founder of cultural non-profit organization Kontaktobana in Tbilisi, GE
2019 – Co-organizer of the informal conversation series Conversas in Tbilisi, GE